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Nolan Wood
Nolan Wood

The Last King Untertitel Englisch [PORTABLE]

The title of a complete work is usually centred near the top of the first page; ifpossible, it should be printed either in large letters or in boldface, or even inboth. It should not be italicized or placed in quotation marks, and it should nothave a full stop at the end. Any punctuation or italics which are required forindependent reasons should be used normally; this includes a question mark atthe end if the title is a question. If there is a subtitle, a colon should be placed atthe end of the title proper; unless the title and the subtitle are both very short, itis best to use two lines. There are two possible styles for capitalization: you may capitalize everysignificant word, or you may capitalize only those words which intrinsicallyrequire capitals. (The first word should becapitalized in any case.) Here are some examples; I have used the second styleof capitalization:The origin of Mozart's RequiemThe imposition of English in WalesClassroom discipline in Birmingham schools:a case studyFootball hooligans: why do they do it?The parasites of the quaking aspen (Populustremuloides)"Thou unnecessary letter":the history of the letter Z in EnglishThe quotation marks in the last example are used because the first phrase is aquotation from Shakespeare. In a work which is very short (no more than five or six pages), it israrely necessary to divide the work into sections. Longer works, however, areusually best divided into sections which are at least named and possibly alsonumbered; numbers are recommended if there are more than two or threesections. Section headings are usually placed in boldface but in ordinary-sizedtype; they are not centred but placed at the left-hand margin. A section headingmay be placed on a separate line (with a following blank line), or it may beplaced at the beginning of a paragraph; only in the second case should there be afull stop at the end. Here is an example illustrated in each of the two styles:3. The dictatorship of Primo de RiveraIn 1923, King Alfonso XIII handed over power to General Primo deRivera, who immediately abrogated the Constitution, dissolved theCortes and installed a brutal right-wing dictatorship.... or3. The dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. In 1923, King AlfonsoIII handed over power to General Primo de Rivera, who immediatelyabrogated the Constitution, dissolved the Cortes and installed a brutalright-wing dictatorship....Either style is acceptable. Note that the first paragraph after a title or a sectionheading is not indented; all following paragraphs should be indented. If the work is very long, or if it consists of a number of points andsubpoints (as is often the case with bureaucratic and business documents), thenthe sections may be further divided into subsections. In this case, you shouldcertainly number all the sections and subsections, in the following manner(these passages are taken from John Wells's book Accents of English) (Wells 1982):6. North American English6.1. General American6.1.1. IntroductionIn North America it is along the Atlantic coast that we find the sharpestregional and social differences in speech...6.1.2. The thought-lot mergerA well-known diagnostic for distinguishing the northern speech area ofthe United States from the midland and southern areas is thepronunciation of the word on.... Copyright Larry Trask, 1997Maintained by the Department of Informatics, University of Sussex

The Last King Untertitel Englisch




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